Doing business is taking risks. You can reduce those risks by making clear arrangements in advance and properly recording them. I will help you achieve just that. For instance by drawing up crystal-clear agreements. Or by drafting legally correct agreements between shareholders or your general conditions. And should a dispute with partners, suppliers or customers arise, I will support you with advice and hands-on assistance. Preferably out of court, but if necessary I will battle it out in court for you.
In addition to that I can help you protect your products, services or ideas. That requires proper registration of patents, copyrights, models, trademarks, logos, trade names and domain names. But also advice on the protection of your rights and the exploitation of your rights by concluding licence agreements. I will support you with enforcing your intellectual property rights by dealing with infringers. And – if you are accused of infringing someone else’s rights – I’ll be there for you too, of course.
Finally I can support you in all other matters in the field of corporate law and intellectual property law. For instance in matters concerning the structure and legal form of your business or the take-over of your enterprise. I will help you move forward. Accurately, conclusively and always alert. That is my approach.
Specialist programs
- Grotius Company and Corporate law (Corporate Structures)
- Dr. S.K. Martens Academie
- Magna Charta Contract Law program
Netherlands Bar Registration
Christel van den Reek has registered the following legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s Register of Legal Areas:
On the basis of this registration the lawyer is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.